Breast Augmentation + Lift

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While breast implants can significantly improve the breasts’ volume and shape, a moderate to significant sagging appearance usually cannot be resolved with a breast augmentation alone. Gravity, aging, genetics, weight fluctuation, pregnancy, and nursing can cause a loss of breast skin elasticity, as well as a flattening of the upper breast poles. This, combined with decreased firmness in the breasts, often causes the breasts to descend downward for some degree of breast sag. For women who seek to rejuvenate the shape and positioning of their breasts in conjunction with enhancing breast volume, a breast augmentation and lift procedure may be an ideal solution to achieve the desired cosmetic result. Frequently termed a breast augmentation mastopexy, this popular combination surgery can increase breast fullness while reducing a sagging appearance for a more youthful aesthetic and an enhanced body contour.

Who is a Candidate for a Breast Augmentation + Lift?

A breast augmentation mastopexy performed by our experienced plastic surgeon, Geoffrey Leber, MD, FACS, is often suitable for women who wish to firm and lift the breasts while also increasing their size. Ideal candidates for this comprehensive breast enhancement include individuals who:

  • Desire volume enhancement but experience breast sag that cannot be corrected with implants alone
  • Experience breast skin laxity and a loss of volume as a result of pregnancy, nursing, or significant weight loss
  • Wish to improve their breast volume, projection, and elevation

What Can a Breast Augmentation + Lift Do for Me?

During a thorough consultation, Dr. Leber will assess your medical history and cosmetic concerns to help you determine whether you would benefit from a surgical breast augmentation plus lift. The advantages of this procedure typically vary by patient, but a breast augmentation mastopexy can generally:

  • Eliminate excess skin and elevate the breasts for a more rejuvenated appearance
  • Provide volume enhancement while reducing breast sag
  • Reshape the breasts for improved breast projection and symmetry

Dr. Leber performs the surgery according to each patient’s aesthetic goals and anatomical indicators to achieve the most natural-looking results possible. Depending on your cosmetic ideal, a combined breast augmentation and breast lift procedure can be done as part of a complete Mommy Makeover, an option that can allow women to more extensively restore their pre-pregnancy figure.

How is a Breast Augmentation + Lift Performed?

A breast augmentation plus lift can be performed as separate surgeries or simultaneously, depending on your unique situation and preferences. Part of the procedure involves breast enhancement through placement of silicone or saline breast implants. You and Dr. Leber will work together to determine the most ideal implant size and type to fulfill your cosmetic desires.

At the time of operation, the combination surgery is generally done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Dr. Leber typically places incisions in the natural breast fold, under the arm, or around the areola to allow the least amount of visible scarring. Furthermore, the implants are usually inserted under the pectoral (chest) muscle for enhanced support and a minimized risk of complications—such as scar tissue formation and skin rippling—when compared to placement above the muscle. After meticulously performing the augmentation and lift portions of the procedure, Dr. Leber can also reposition the nipple-areola complexes to a more central location on the breast mound, if necessary.

Patient Results

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What is Recovery Like for a Breast Augmentation + Lift?

Patients will likely experience some bruising and swelling for the first few weeks after surgery; this is to be expected and any discomfort can be managed with oral pain medication. Stitches are absorbable and placed under the skin, therefore they do not require removal. Individuals can usually return to work within a week and normal activities within one to two weeks, although strenuous activity should be avoided for four to six weeks. Our team will be available to provide a more detailed timeline of your recovery period based on the unique aspects of your treatment plan.

Following surgery, the more youthful aesthetic provided by a breast augmentation mastopexy can be immediately apparent. The final outcome typically improves as the implants settle and healing progresses. While the aging process will continue, this enhancement surgery is designed to have long-term results, with most implants lasting at least 10 years.

To learn more about a breast augmentation and lift procedure, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our practice today.