Lower Body Lift (Thigh Lift)

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A lower body lift is a comprehensive procedure designed to sculpt, tighten, and ultimately improve the appearance of the region from the midsection to the upper thighs. A common effect of weight loss, as well as the natural aging process, is loose, hanging skin in the mid to lower body that can cause irritation and chafing in addition to aesthetic concerns. A lower body lift — often including a thigh lift — is designed to remove excess skin and tighten the remaining tissue in the targeted areas for a smoother and leaner lower body contour. The procedure can also target isolated fatty deposits that have remained resistant to dieting and exercise. After a thorough consultation, our experienced plastic surgeon Geoffrey Leber, MD, FACS can personalize the procedure to address your unique areas of concern and cosmetic goals. Following a lower body lift, many patients experience a dramatic transformation in their lower body and enjoy a sleeker, more defined silhouette.

What Does a Lower Body Lift Address?

A lower body lift can reshape a number of body regions that are prone to excess skin and fat accumulation, including:

  • Lower midsection
  • Buttocks
  • Hips
  • Upper thighs

For more far-reaching cosmetic enhancement, Dr. Leber frequently combines a lower body lift with an abdominoplasty procedure, or a tummy tuck. By combining both procedures, patients are usually able to attain optimal improvement in the look of their abdominal profile and curves of their lower body.

Thigh Lift

Many individuals who consider a lower body lift also want to improve the appearance of their upper thighs. A thigh lift can be very effective at reducing excess skin circumferentially, allowing a firmer and slimmer look while alleviating the skin irritation that often results from the thighs rubbing together. This procedure can tighten the underlying structures of the thighs while removing the redundant tissue that may be masking your more athletic contours. Dr. Leber can perform a thigh lift as a single procedure or as part of a full lower body lift, depending on your aesthetic goals. Other options include undergoing a thigh lift in conjunction with an arm lift for comprehensive body sculpting, or implementing the procedure into a Mommy Makeover to restore your pre-pregnancy figure.

How is a Lower Body Lift Performed?

A lower body lift is performed under general anesthesia and may be classified as an outpatient procedure, depending on the extent of surgical work to be done. For a complete lower body lift—which addresses the waistline, hips, buttocks, and thighs—Dr. Leber makes a horizontal incision across the lower torso to remove excess skin and fat from the areas planned for treatment. Depending on the details of your treatment plan, the incision size and location may vary; however, Dr. Leber makes every effort to make residual scarring following the procedure as inconspicuous as possible. If the amount of body fat planned for removal is extensive, liposuction may be utilized to gently suction out pockets of stubborn fat through a narrow cannula.

What Can a Lower Body Lift Do for Me?

The benefits yielded by a lower body lift are dependent on your unique needs and cosmetic desires for surgery. Generally speaking, this procedure can treat the following concerns in the lower portions of the body:

  • Loose or sagging skin
  • Stubborn fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise
  • Muscles that have become loose or weak
  • Skin folds that are causing discomfort, chafing, or irritation

The best candidates for a lower body lift are healthy individuals near their ideal body weight who wish to resculpt parts of their lower body through excess skin removal. Those who are contending with loose or hanging skin after having undergone substantial weight loss are typically excellent candidates for the procedure. Dr. Leber will listen intently to your individual concerns and formulate the most beneficial treatment plan to attain your aesthetic ideal.

Patient Results

Who is a Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is usually most successful for individuals with a stable weight who want to improve the appearance of overhanging skin and tissue. It’s important to remember that thigh lift surgery is not a weight loss procedure; rather, a thigh lift is performed to re-sculpt areas of the body affected by skin inelasticity. Good candidates are generally:

  • At or near their ideal weight with no plans for significant weight loss in the future
  • Not planning on becoming pregnant
  • Healthy, with no unmanageable medical conditions that may affect the recovery period
  • Willing to live an active lifestyle after surgery to minimize weight fluctuations

A consultation with Dr. Leber can reveal whether a thigh lift is the best treatment option to achieve your goals. If loose skin accumulates near your abdomen and buttocks in addition to your thighs, an effective approach may be to combine your thigh lift with other procedures to provide a full lower body lift. Dr. Leber can help you determine the most ideal techniques for your unique needs.

What is Recovery Like for a Lower Body Lift?

As a lower body lift often involves considerable surgical work, it is not uncommon for the procedure to necessitate one or two overnight stays in a hospital or surgical facility. Any post-surgical bruising, swelling, or discomfort can be managed with oral pain medication. A compression garment will be worn temporarily to minimize swelling and help support your new body contours. Patients generally require a healing period of two to three weeks before returning to work and other daily activities, with some activities restricted for three to four weeks. Strict adherence to Dr. Leber’s post-operative instructions, which will be provided personally, can generally accelerate the recovery process.

Will I Have Noticeable Thigh Lift Scars?

Scarring after thigh lift surgery is inevitable and typically appears along the inside of the thigh, depending on the details of your treatment plan. Depending on the extent and location of skin laxity, the scar can often be concealed within the inner thigh groin and buttock crease. With all lower body lift procedures — including a buttock lift and a tummy tuck — incisions are placed along the natural contours of the body whenever possible and will be concealed within a bikini line; however, scarring will still be visible without clothing. Dr. Leber will explain what you can expect with regard to your thigh lift scars during your consultation. We also welcome you to explore our before-and-after photos of previous patients who received a lower body lift so you have a better understanding of what the final results could look like. 

It’s also possible to lighten scars from a lower body lift over time with good incision care, sun protection, and use of high-quality scar lightening products. Don’t hesitate to ask about our medical-grade skincare products to obtain an effective regimen for your goals.

How Much Does a Thigh Lift Cost?

Thigh lift costs are personalized according to each patient’s needs and the extent of their concerns. While your cost estimate includes the fees and expenses typical of cosmetic surgery, the total price of a thigh lift is primarily influenced by: 

  • The surgical techniques utilized
  • Whether a thigh lift was combined with other procedures
  • The complexity of your treatment plan

As cosmetic procedures, a thigh lift and other surgeries included in a lower body lift are not usually covered by insurance. However, we believe aesthetic surgery should be affordable and accessible to all who desire it, which is why our Boston practice accepts plastic surgery financing from CareCredit® and Prosper® Healthcare Lending for qualified patients. Upon approval, these lenders can provide patients with short- and long-term payment plans to help them accommodate their individual budget. 

Questions? Contact Dr. Leber at our Boston office to schedule a consultation or to learn more about a thigh lift, lower body lift surgery, and our other services.