Facial Fat Grafting vs. Dermal Fillers

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facial fillerMaintaining fullness and youthful facial volume is often a key factor in aging more gracefully. Dr. Geoffrey Leber offers several treatment options for patients who are bothered by thin or sunken features. The key to finding out the best method of facial rejuvenation for you is to think about your needs, goals, and preferences — namely, whether you want to undergo a surgical procedure. 

In general, both facial fat grafting and filler products, such as Restylane® and JUVÉDERM®, are capable of providing very natural-looking and elegant facial rejuvenation. As a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in aesthetics, Dr. Leber describes the differences between the two treatments below: 

Dermal fillers and fat grafting can improve sunken temples and under-eye hollows, flat cheeks, jowling, nasolabial folds, thin lips, and marionette lines, among other concerns. Our team can work with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to address your unique needs. 

The face inevitably starts to lose volume as you age, but there are effective solutions that can help you preserve a full, youthful, and lively appearance. Contact Dr. Geoffrey Leber’s office in Boston to discuss your goals in a consultation or to speak with a member of our team.